A fresh approach to optimizing performance, well-being, and leadership development

Our Tools Include

Disciplined Focus

People have read and talked about the value of being "present in the moment" and the impact of that way of being on performance, communication, leadership, levels of stress. Learn practical and specific focusing skills that can be applied immediately, such as: How to practice being present in the moment.

Triggered State Recovery

Compelling neuroscientific information about how triggered states undermine performance, morale, and one’s overall quality of life. Learn how to consistently move, at a greater speed than previously imagined, from triggered states to a more effective way of being in moments, causing a rapid decrease of stress and increase in performance under pressure.

Accelerated Learning

High-performing individuals and teams thrive in a feedback-rich environment. Learn how to utilize a specific feedback tool that fosters a faster calibration to performance than any other previously used modalities.

The E Factor

Discover the relationship between happiness and productivity. Learn The secret to finding happiness at work, regardless of your role.

"Starquest's coaching processes will bring you advanced skills and abilities to achieve a lightning switch from a state that doesn't serve you well to another that absolutely will."

- Dave Whitley, CEO, Nuprecon